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Monday, May 9, 2022

Russia’s Putin blames West for War in Ukraine in Victory Day Speech – BBC News

Russia’s Putin blames West for War in Ukraine in Victory Day Speech – BBC News 

Russian President Vladimir Putin has addressed a Victory Day parade in Moscow’s Red Square, saying that his forces in eastern Ukraine are “defending the motherland”.

He told crowds that the invasion of Ukraine – what he called a “special military operation” – was necessary and had been provoked by the West.

But Mr Putin did not make any major announcement relating to the war, including declaring victory or a full-scale mobilisation. 

The annual Victory Day is one of the most important holidays in the Russian calendar and commemorates the Soviet victory over Nazi Germany in 1945. 

Parades have been taking place in 28 cities across Russia, involving 65,000 people and 2,400 items of military hardware.

It's not 27 million Russians who died, it's 27 million soviet citizens which included every ethnic group living in it, around 8 million Ukrainians have died in that war with our cities being in ruins while Moscow was safely hidden behind our backs and never was under siege. And only a few years before that around 7 million Ukrainians have died in a manmade famine by soviet government. The nerve of this people to appropriate this victory is sickening.

It would be great to see leaders of power fighting their own wars. See them to go out to the fields and shoot at each other. Just them without army, without involving people. And finally let people live their lives without ideologies, without lies and without corrupting them.

He used the word 'respect' a dozen times.... but had abandoned his own wounded/dead men in the ongoing occupation. Claimed to be standing up for the rights of those in Ukraine, but killed them brutally. Justification of past brutality with more offensive and lies doesn't right the wrong.

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