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Friday, May 6, 2022

Ukraine War Front Lines Extend From North Of Kharkiv To Black Sea Coast Near Mykolaiv

Ukraine War Front Lines Extend From North Of Kharkiv To Black Sea Coast Near Mykolaiv

The battle lines between Ukrainian and Russian forces extend from north of the city of Kharkiv to the Black Sea coast near Mykolaiv. FRANCE 24's international affairs editor Armen Georgian explains.

"Long live free Ukraine with all its territory ! Да здравствует свободная Украина со всей ее территорией.Longue vie a l'Ukraine avec tout son territoire."

Ukrainian has already stated they want to push back. The question is the time line. Do they hold a static line in certain places while attacking in other places; then shift. My take, is they’re limiting their offensive operations until they feel comfortable with the integration of their new western equipment.

Putin's military hasn't made much progress since the start of the Donbas offensive.This may change as more heavy and advance weapons become operational on the Ukrainian side.

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