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Monday, May 9, 2022

Ukraine War: Former Russian Prime Minister says Putin is 'Losing Strength'

Ukraine War: Former Russian Prime Minister says Putin is 'Losing Strength'


Former Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Kasyanov says Vladimir Putin is "losing strength," after he failed to mention any triumphs in his Victory Day speech.
Mr Kasyanov also mentioned that there is a fifty-fifty split in opinion amongst Russians regarding the war in Ukraine.
This old guy literally transformed Russia in a second North Korea 2.0 pariah state. Totally isolated and heavily sanctioned by the whole world. In less than 3 months.
Given the BS he shows real confidence in the Russian people. I do hope that ou are right gut though and that this doesn’t pass with the people forcing him to back down.
What was crucial in the speech is that he never called for an increase in conscription. He knows that Russian troops are mutinying on the from lines. They are probably refusing to go into the Azov steel works as well. If he calls for more conscription and his population start to refuse then he's reached his end game and he will be removed, probably shot. He's in a really no win position at the moment, desperate for a way out of the mess he's created but doesn't know how to achieve it. He's lost tanks, planes, ships and artillery and  he knows he's going to devastate his resources even more. He's also running out of precision ammunition. His human resources cannot be relied on and he's stuck in a hole and just keeps digging. He hasn't got long to go now and his weak demeanour showed that he knows it.
Anyone heard anything of Lavrov lately? Didnt see him during the Victory Parade. No? I assume he got offed for connecting Putins military with nazism. And yes, that was his way of saying it. Maybe he was just getting tired of it.

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